Comprehensive turf renovation solutions

At Musturf, we provide top-tier turf renovation for golf courses, parks, councils, sports fields, and stadiums. Our expert team and advanced equipment keep green spaces in peak condition, enhancing beauty and functionality. We offer comprehensive solutions to improve turf longevity and performance.

Our quality and innovation set us apart. With advanced techniques and eco-friendly practices, we ensure sustainable turf management. Whether maintaining a golf course, rejuvenating a park, or preparing a stadium, Musturf delivers reliable, impeccable results.

Explore our specialised services, from top dressing to verti-draining. Our solutions enhance soil health, improve drainage, and promote robust grass growth, keeping your turf lush and resilient year-round.

Our renovation services


Verti-draining is a deep aeration process that relieves soil compaction and enhances water infiltration. By creating deep channels in the soil, roots are to grow deeper and stronger, resulting in healthier, more resilient turf, able to withstand heavy use and adverse weather conditions.

Two sizes available:
- 1.6m (12mm tines)
- 2.7m (12mm, 19mm, 25mm tines)

Top dressing

Top dressing involves applying a fine layer of high-quality soil or sand to the turf surface. This process helps to improve soil structure, enhance drainage, and promote healthy grass growth by providing essential nutrients and creating a smoother, more even playing surface.

Recycled top dressing

Recycled top dressing utilises organic waste materials to create a sustainable soil amendment. This eco-friendly approach improves turf health and performance whilst reducing waste and supporting sustainability.


Our Earthquake creates deep, lateral fractures in the soil, improving drainage and aeration without disturbing the surface. This innovative technique helps to alleviate soil compaction, promote root growth, and enhance overall turf health.

Field top making

Field top making involves laser-guided grading and leveling of sports fields to ensure a perfectly even surface. This service is crucial for maintaining the safety and playability of sports fields, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing game performance.


Scarifying, or dethatching, removes built-up thatch and moss from the turf surface. This process promotes better air and water penetration, encourages new grass growth, and helps to maintain a healthy, vibrant lawn.

Over seeding

Over seeding is the practice of spreading new grass seed over existing turf to improve density and vitality. This technique is essential for filling in bare spots, enhancing grass varieties, and ensures sport fields remain strong & healthy throughout the winter period


Our Blecavator combines soil cultivation and stone burying in one pass. It prepares a perfect seedbed by cultivating the soil and burying stones and debris, ensuring an optimal environment for grass seed germination and growth.


Sprigging is a planting method that involves distributing grass sprigs or stolons over prepared soil. This technique is particularly effective for establishing new turf or repairing damaged areas, offering a effective solution for achieving dense, uniform grass coverage.

  • Drainage

    We offer custom irrigation and drainage solutions for your project, ensuring your lawn is sufficiently hydrated whilst not adversely affected.

  • Spraying

    The application of liquid fertilisers, herbicides, and pesticides to control weeds, pests, and diseases. Ensuring the health of your turf.

  • Agri-vator

    Vibrating tines to decompact soil and improve drainage. This process enhances root development and water infiltration.

  • More upon request

    If you have a special project in mind, get in touch with us today so we can arrange a custom plan for your lawn.